World of warships carrier manual drop
World of warships carrier manual drop

world of warships carrier manual drop world of warships carrier manual drop

And how come as seen in SS2, that there are two TBPs torping New Mexico at the same time, of which one is returning only after the attack as seen in SS3. So if you can only have one squadron in play (not counting returning) then how is the fighter seen in SS1 only 10 km away when his ship is way farther than 13 km away (if consumable it would patrol within 3 km). As seen in SS¤ taken about 1 minute later when his CV is spotted, he was very far away from the combat scene (edit: I see now it's shown in SS2 as well and it's clearly over 20 kkm away and it's fighter is thus over 10km away from the ship). In SS1 you see there is only one CV, he has both a fighter up and 2 TBPs (which is shown in SS2 and 3 taken just seconds later). Though they're lightly armed themselves, their wide array of aircraft makes them a micro-manager's dream come true.Originally posted by cantila1:So here comes more proof: Aircraft Carriers - Aircraft carriers scout the battlefield, send squadrons of dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and fighter to wreak havoc upon the enemy.Possessing massive guns, thick armor, and bristling with secondary armaments, these behemoths ply the seas with impunity. Battleships - The real heavyweights of the World of Warships universe.All cruisers are known for their high rate of fire making them the perfect vessel to apply pressure to enemy forces at any stage in the battle. Cruisers - A versatile and multi-purpose class of ship-each comes with its own loadout containing a combination of anti-aircraft guns, torpedoes, or even aircraft launchers.In battle, destroyers can use smoke screens which allows them to cover its own torpedo attack or hide allied ships. It is also the most difficult to be spotted. Destroyers - The fastest and most agile class of ships-lightly armored but possessing huge firepower in the form of torpedoes.

World of warships carrier manual drop